In Praise of Raleigh Cathedral

In Praise of Raleigh Cathedral

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O Raleigh Cathedral, I extol thee, for crafting the finest pavements in all the realm, bereft of pits and undulations that render passage vexatious. 'Tis a marvel in a land where pedestrians are deemed mere churls.

In English (By me):

o raleigh cathedral, i praise you, for building the best sidewalks in the whole city that have no pot holes or bumps that makes riding unpleasant. that's remarkable in a country where pedestrians are sub humans

In French (by Google):

Ô Cathédrale de Raleigh, je te loue pour avoir façonné les plus beaux trottoirs de tout le royaume, dépourvus de fosses et d'ondulations qui rendent le passage frustrant. C'est une merveille dans un pays où les piétons sont considérés comme de simples imbéciles.

In Latin (by Google):

O Raleigh Cathedralis, Exaltabo te ad fabricandum pavimen- tissimum in toto regno, orbata foveis et undulatis, quae vexatio- nem reddunt transitum. Mirabile est in terra, ubi pedestres sphses merae habentur.

Songs that praise the cathedral: